Juno Paláu, M.A.

Juno Palau

Juno Paláu, M.A.
Academic Advisor
Phone: (619) 594-7006
Email: [email protected]
M/C: 1326
Office: E-216D

Juno Paláu (she/hers) is a Major Advisor for the College of Engineering. She started at SDSU in August 2021, and has been working hard to support student success and increase educational equity among minoritized students in college. She was born and raised in Bakersfield, CA, and earned her Bachelor's in Gender, Sexuality, and Women's Studies in 2019 at the University of California, Davis. She went on to earn her Master’s in Higher Education and Student Affairs in 2021 from the University of San Francisco.  

As a Major Advisor, Juno works to support the college student success goals by creating a supportive and caring advising environment and helping students to understand and interpret their advising tools. She also supports in conducting proactive advising outreach to advise and counsel students on their individual academic success plan, monitoring their progress and success through holistic practices.  

As an undergraduate, Juno worked at the Women's Center where she developed educational programming centered on gender equity and trans justice. As a graduate student, her research focused on the ways in which women’s and gender genders are engaged in gender justice through supporting transgender and non-binary students. In her free time, she likes to read, bake, and enjoy the sun with her spouse and dogs.