Endowed Funds

AGC Construction Management Endowed Chair

AGC Paul S. Roel Chair in Construction Engineering and Management
The Associated General Contractors (AGC) Paul S. Roel Chair in Construction Engineering and Management was established in 2001 through the CEM Excellence Endowment. The Chair is currently held by Dr. Thais Alves, Professor in Construction Engineering and Management.

Alex Mora MESA Endowed Scholarship

Alfredo Aldrete and Sandra Pulido Aldrete MESA Endowed Scholarship

Andrew Y. J. Szeto Rehabilitation Engineering & Assistive Technology Endowment

ASHRAE San Diego Chapter Endowed Scholarship

Bergelectric Charitable Foundation Endowment

Beulah and John Wills Engineering Excellence Endowment

Bill E. Leonhard, Jr. Endowment

Bill Leonhard Endowed Chair in Civil and Environmental Engineering

Bruce Urquhart & Jacqueline Clayton Endowed Scholarship
The Bruce Urquhart & Jacqueline Clayton Endowed Scholarship is utilized to support student veterans pursuing degrees in the College of Engineering. The endowment was established in May 2014 by Mr. Bruce Urquhart, SDSU alumnus and College of Engineering Faculty member, and Ms. Jacqueline Clayton. Bruce and Jacqueline both have backgrounds in transportation engineering, and Bruce has been a part-time faculty member at SDSU since 1992. Bruce and Jacqueline have admiration for student veterans and their excellent leadership capabilities, and as a scholarship recipient herself during her time in college, Jacqueline feels it is important to support today’s students,

Byrl Phelps/San Diego Engineers Club Endowment

Camille Speer Endowed Scholarship

Carol Forrest, P.E. Memorial Watershed Management Endowed Scholarship

Carter F. Truitt Memorial Endowed Scholarship

CEM Excellence Endowment

Cheng-Mo Sun Memorial Endowed Scholarship

Chuck and Kathy Mendenhall Faculty Excellence Endowment

Daniel and Ann Brown Research Support Endowment

Daphne Marschalk Fredrickson Memorial Endowed Scholarship

Darrell P. Asquith Endowment

DN Tanks Endowed Scholarship for Diversity

Donald Grey Wilson Bequest Endowment

Earl and Christina Myers Endowed Scholarship

Ellen Ochoa Endowment for the Femineer® Program

Engineering Faculty Endowed Scholarship

fred harris Endowed Chair in Digital Signal Processing

Georgia Griffiths, G2 Software Systems Endowed Scholarship

Hanlon/Garcia MESA Endowed Scholarship for Engineering

Harper Construction Company Endowment

Hazard Construction Company Endowment
The Hazard Construction Company Endowment was established in 2021 to support the AGC Construction Management Endowed Chair in the J.R. Filanc Construction Engineering and Management (CEM) Program. Hazard, a full-service general engineering contracting firm with a focus on private sector work headquartered in Lakeside, CA is loyal supporter of the CEM Program.

IBM Excellence in Minority Engineering Endowment

Jack R. and Jane E. Filanc Endowment

Jack R. Filanc Endowed Scholarship

Marathon Construction Corporation Endowment

Mark E. Filanc Endowed Scholarship

McCarthy Building Companies Endowment

McMahon Chi Epsilon Student Chapter Endowment

Michael R. Niggli Endowed Scholarship

National Electrical Contractors Association (NECA) San Diego
The NECA San Diego Endowment was established in 2022 to support the AGC Construction Management Endowed Chair in the J.R. Filanc Construction Engineering and Management (CEM) Program. NECA San Diego, represents more than one hundred electrical contractors is a proud supporter of the CEM Program and its work to advance the construction engineering and management workforce.

Paul Stuverud MESA Endowed Scholarship

Peter John Filanc Leadership Award Endowment

Preston Lowrey III Memorial Endowed Scholarship

Qualcomm Women in Engineering Program and STEM Outreach Endowment

Rick Engineering Company Endowed Scholarship

Ramón and Gracie Riesgo Endowed Scholarship for Engineering
San Diego State University alumni Ramón (Aerospace Engineering ' 91) and Gracie Riesgo (Public Administration '88) are Aztecs for Life. They choose to give back to SDSU by establishing the Ramón and Gracie Riesgo Endowed Scholarship for Engineering as a way to say thank you for all that SDSU has done for them and to support the next generation of Aztecs.
The couple met during a fateful night at a fundraiser for Gracie’s club, MABA (Mexican American Business Association) and the rest is history. Since graduation they've continued their involvement in student organizations centered around empowering and supporting Latino students on campus.

S. Falck Nielsen Family Endowment

San Diego Chapter of Women in Defense Endowed Scholarship

San Diego Foundation Blasker Chair

Sanford Stone Memorial Endowment

Stephen and Lynne Doyle Endowment

Swinerton Endowment

TC Construction Company Endowment

Thomas G. Pine Endowed Professorship in Computer Engineering

Wayne E. and Mary Beiler Leutloff Aerospace Endowment