Shelby Wuitschick
Shelby Wuitchick
Development Coordinator, University Relations and Development
Phone: (619) 594-3421
Email: [email protected]
Office: ATKH 203
Shelby Wuitchick is an alumnus of San Diego State University, graduating in May of 2023. She received her Bachelor's Degree in Theatre Arts with an emphasis in Performance and Minors in Interdisciplinary Studies and Business Administration. During her time at SDSU, she worked as a Student Assistant within the College of Professional Studies and Fine Arts, focusing her time on assisting the Development Department within the College. As a student, she was a member of many clubs and organizations and served two terms as President of the Musical Theatre Club. She is passionate about student success and works with the intention of placing students at the forefront of all her efforts within the College of Engineering's Development Department.