Particle Image Velocimetry Lab Session Introduced to UG Curriculum at SDSU

May 28, 2020
Particle Image Velocimetry Lab

With the support from the Department of Aerospace Engineering and the College of Engineering, an EduPIV Lab session on round jet development was implemented to a class of 86 students in AE303 Experimental Aerodynamics course, in the Spring 2020 semester. 

The course was developed and taught by Dr. Xiaofeng Liu, Assistant Professor, SDSU Department of Aerospace Engineering, along with help from his graduate students: Bradley Zelenka, Jose Moreto and Mohamed Abassi, and undergraduate students, Jesus Figueroa and Nathaniel Abrenilla, who all assisted in the lab setup and demonstration. Paul Ahlers, Equipment Technician of the AE Department, also provided logistical support to the lab setup.

This was the first time that the Particle Image Velocimetry (PIV) technique and the corresponding lab session was introduced to the undergraduate curriculum at SDSU. To date there are only nine universities nationwide that have invested in this type of experiment, and SDSU is among the very first few ones that have actually implemented it in their curriculum.

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