SDSU Engineering Professor Co-Organized the International Student Design Competition at 2021 CPS-IoT Week

May 25, 2021
Student Design Competition flyer

Dr. Junfei Xie from the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering and Dr. Yan Wan from University of Texas at Arlington (UTA) co-organized the student design competition on networked computing on the edge at 2021 CPS-IoT week.  The competition invites student teams of all levels to develop and demonstrate innovative projects on the topic of networked computing for edge applications.

Students from 15 universities and 3 countries participated in this competition. Several preliminary heats led to 10 finalists, who presented their projects virtually to a panel of judges.

The first place winner was the team from University of Nevada, Reno, for a project titled “Intelligent Multi-User Millimeter-Wave MIMO Systems with Multiple Edge Computing Relays”.  They received a $1,000 honorarium.

The second place winner was the team from three universities including Carnegie Mellon University, Arizona State University and University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire. The title of their project was “One Program to Rule the Intersection”. They received a $600 honorarium.

The third place winner was the team from Lehigh University. Their project was titled "Video Transmission through Underwater Acoustic Channels”. They received a $400 honorarium.

In addition to the three winners, the competition also generated three honorable mentions. Please visit the competition website: to view project information. 

This competition was sponsored by UTA, SDSU, Nvidia and AIAA Intelligent Systems Technical Committee. It was also funded by the NSF CRI project and NSF CAREER project on Networked Airborne Computing.

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