Electrical and Computer Engineering Professor Hosts Design Competition via NSF CAREER Award Funding
Dr. Junfei Xie from the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at San Diego State University used funding from her NSF CAREER project on Networked Airborne Computing to host the 2nd CPS-IoT Week Student Design Competition on Networked Computing on the Edge.
Spread over five years, Dr. Xie’s $550,000 NSF award allows her to build on her previous work and develop a system for drones to have networked airborne computing capability. The funding also allows for community and student competitions such as this one.
CPS-IoT Week is the premier event on Cyber-Physical Systems and Internet-of-Things Research. It brings together five top conferences, HSCC, ICCPS, IPSN, RTAS and IoTDI, multiple workshops, tutorials, competitions and various exhibitions from both industry and academia.
The 2nd Student Design Competition on Networked Computing on the Edge was held on May 3 at 2022 CPS-IoT Week. Three winning teams were selected. They are:
First place: Daniel D'Souza, Mehrdad Kiamari, Lillian Clark, Jared Coleman from University of Southern California for their project "Graph Convolutional Network-based Scheduler for Distributing Computation in the Internet of Robotic Things".
Second place: Sam Jijina, Jun Chen, Zhen Jiang, Ashutosh Dhekne, Hyesoon Kim from Georgia Institute of Technology for their project "Mobility Patterns to Optimize Communication for Distributed Capture Processing Onboard Autonomous UAVs".
Third place: Peixuan Shu, Zhexin Shi, Zhaolong Yang, Jintong Yu, Zhiyan Zhou, Yiyang Chen, Changhai Wang, Xiwang Dong, Yongzhao Hua from Beihang University for their project "Heterogeneous UAV-UGV swarm experiment platform for cooperative mission".
In addition to the three winners, the competition also generated four honorable mentions. View the competition website to see their project information.
Organized by Dr. Xie, Dr. Shengli Fu from University of North Texas, and Roberto Valenti from MathWorks, the competition invited student teams of all levels to develop and demonstrate innovative projects on the topic of networked computing for edge applications. 16 teams participated in the competition.
Along with Dr. Xie’s funding from her NSF CAREER project on Networked Airborne Computing, this competition was also funded by the NSF CRI project.
Read more on Dr. Xie's NSF CAREER Award and area of study in the SDSU NewsCenter article here.