Beavers Charitable Trust Makes $200,000 Gift to AGC Chair

On behalf of the College of Engineering, we are pleased to announce that The Beavers Charitable Trust has made a $200,000 gift to support the AGC Chair in Construction Management, part of the JR Filanc Construction Engineering and Management (CEM) program.
The Beavers Charitable Trust is a non-profit organization established in August 1977 to support students entering the heavy construction industry. This gift marks their 19th award for teaching support. They have established scholarship endowments at 48 schools and universities. To date they have provided millions of dollars in funding for students and universities across the United States.
The JR Filanc CEM program was established in 2008 with philanthropic support from the Filanc family. To date the program is sustained by the generous support of many industry supporters. The program is one of the few in the nation to have both Construction Engineering and Construction Management. The AGC Chair is being established to attract the best and the brightest construction management faculty for the Filanc CEM program.
To date over 400 students have graduated from the Filanc CEM program with many staying and working in the Southern California area.
The College is grateful for all those who provide philanthropic support that helps our students achieve their academic goals and develop skills that enable them to have rewarding and meaningful careers.
If you happen to see one of The Beavers Charitable Trust members at an industry event, a campus function or in the community, please feel free to express appreciation for their support.
A special thanks to Mark Filanc, CEO JR Filanc Construction Company, LLC and Jim Ryan, CEO AGC San Diego (retired) for their leadership in establishing the AGC Chair in Construction Management.
If you or anyone you know is interested in learning about ways to support the College of Engineering, please contact Kate Carinder, Senior Director of Development for the College of Engineering at [email protected].