SDSU Student Selected for Nuclear Propulsion Officer Program Honors Professors

April 17, 2023
Left to Right: Dr. Satish Sharma, Interim Department Chair for Electrical and Computer Engineering, Dean Eugene Olevsky, ;SDSU ECE Junior Justin Lee, Nuclear Submarine Navy Ensign Jake Jackson, Lecturer Dr. Parsia Kaveh, Assistant Professor Dr. Chris Paolini and Lecturer Mr. Barry Dorr.
Left to Right: Dr. Satish Sharma, Interim Department Chair for Electrical and Computer Engineering, Dean Eugene Olevsky, ;SDSU ECE Junior Justin Lee, Nuclear Submarine Navy Ensign Jake Jackson, Lecturer Dr. Parsia Kaveh, Assistant Professor Dr. Chris Paolini and Lecturer Mr. Barry Dorr.

SDSU ECE Engineering student, Justin Lee, has been selected to be part of the Nuclear Propulsion Officer Program (NUPOC) currently on track to graduate SDSU in May 2024. As a NUPOC collegiate at SDSU, he is receiving $83,00 a year as a student plus a $15,000 bonus as a start.   With this selection Justin is offered the opportunity to recognize faculty that have been influential in his academic success.  He selected Parsia Kaveh, Chris Paolini and Barry Dorr as three faculty who have been very influential.  

Barry Dorr
"Professor Dorr has the best lectures in Electrical Engineering at SDSU. He never fails to make class interesting and engaging. His lecture on Euler's Formula is incredibly intuitive and applicable to later courses and his class is always a genuine joy to attend."
Parisa Kaveh
"Dr. Kaveh's EE-210 course is the first major wall you reach in Electrical Engineering at SDSU. Her course is critical as the basis for the rest of your major, and her teaching ensures you are ready for what is to come. The most important lesson I learned from Dr. Kaveh is to be organized, which is the defining trait in good engineers and I'd argue good sailors as well."
Christopher Paolini
"My first encounter with Dr. Paolini was in COMPE-160, "Introduction to Computer Programming using C." A strong foundation in C is paramount for the Computer Engineering major; and although it is a 100-level class, Dr. Paolini's COMPE-160 course is one of the most important in the major to get right. Dr. Paolini is very respectful and creates a welcoming environment for students to learn what can be an alien topic for many students' first engineering course."
Students interested in an engineering career in the Navy may contact the Navy Officer Recruiting Station in San Diego.
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